According to their site Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure, and Akka Streams is one of the current Reactive Streams implementations. In this article I am going to implement a common use case scenario using Akka Streams and hopefully provide a quick start for newcomers.
Today, applications need to interact with several external services and/or live together within a number of microservices. Data flows from one service to another with occasional modifications on its way. Defining these flows have become a quite common challenge nowadays.
In this scenario let us assume that we are reading a bulk of items from an internal microservice, making a request for each item to an external service, then sending an event to a stream (e.g. Kafka and Kinesis) for each item received from the external service. All services produce JSON and communicate using REST APIs. Each stage should support non-blocking back pressure.
Let me start with defining the models first to give you a better understanding of the flow. Internal microservice produces a collection of ProducerItem
s at a time (e.g. Vector[ProducerItem]). Each ProducerItem
has at least a title
field which is going to be used to query the external service. For each query, external service returns an ExternalItem
. In the last stages we convert the ExternalItem
to ConsumerItem
and send it to stream.
case class ProducerItem(title: String)
case class ExternalItem(title: String)
case class ConsumerItem(title: String)
In favor of simplicity I have omitted the fields except title
. In a real scenario you will probably need many more fields and mapping rules between them.
Now it is time to define our data flow. If we look at the big picture, data will be produced as Vector[ProducerItem]
at a Source
and at the last stage it will be consumed as ConsumerItem
at a Sink
. Below is the type definition of this Source
and Sink
. For the time being just ignore the ActorRef
type parameter.
val source: Source[Vector[ProducerItem], ActorRef] = ...
val sink: Sink[ConsumerItem, ActorRef] = ...
In the next step let us define a reusable Flow
to communicate with the external service. This process consists of sending a query to the service and receiving an ExternalItem
for each query. The Flow
block I have provided below accepts a String
query and returns an ExternalItem
for each query.
val parallelism = 4
val externalRequestFlow = Flow[String].mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism) { query =>
Http().singleRequest {
HttpRequest(uri = Uri(...).withQuery("query" -> query))
}.mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism) { response =>
At this point, as a reference, I want to show spray-json integration for unmarshalling. First of all you need to add "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-spray-json-experimental" % "1.0"
dependency to your build.sbt. After that you can provide JSON protocols for your models.
import spray.json._
object Protocols extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val producerItemFormat = jsonFormat1(ProducerItem)
implicit val externalItemFormat = jsonFormat1(ExternalItem)
implicit val consumerItemFormat = jsonFormat1(ConsumerItem)
As we have the communication flow with the external service, we can connect the dots now. Our Source
produces Vector[ProducerItem]
at a time. We are going to mapConcat
this collection in order to pass only one ProducerItem
at a time to the next stage. Then we are going to filter some of the ProducerItem
s, and then send the title
of each ProducerItem
to the next stage. After that we can connect this block to previously implemented externalRequestFlow
source.mapConcat(identity).filter { producerItem =>
// Filter some of the items here
}.map(_.title).via(externalRequestFlow).map { externalItem =>
//Convert ExternalItem to ConsumerItem here
At the last steps above we convert each ExternalItem
to a ConsumerItem
and attach our Sink
to the end of the flow. We have not implemented the Source
and the Sink
yet but we have completely defined our flow in a cool, declarative syntax.
Akka Streams offer many ways to construct a Source
. I am going to use ActorPublisher
here because of its back pressure support.
Our source, which is named Producer
, makes requests to the internal service and produces Vector[ProducerItem]
. The sample API that I provided expects an id
parameter to return items that are greater than that id. First request sends 0 for the id. Subsequent requests send the greatest id received in the previous batch.
Let us define a new model here to represent the API response. lastId
is the greatest id in the response.
case class Result(lastId: Long, size: Int, items: Vector[ProducerItem])
Below is a sample implementation for our requirements.
class Producer extends ActorPublisher[Vector[ProducerItem]] with SprayJsonSupport {
import context.dispatcher
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()(context)
override def receive: Receive = run(0)
def run(id: Long): Receive = {
case Request(_) =>
case Cancel =>
def requesting(id: Long): Receive = {
//Making a request starting from id
Http(context.system).singleRequest(HttpRequest(...)).flatMap { response =>
case Result(lastId, size, items) =>
if (lastId == 0) {
//No items left.
} else if (totalDemand > 0) {
} else {
case Cancel =>
object Producer {
def props: Props = Props[Producer]
Implementing a Sink
is relatively easier in our case. Again I am going to use ActorSubscriber
because of its back pressure support.
class Consumer extends ActorSubscriber {
override protected def requestStrategy: RequestStrategy = WatermarkRequestStrategy(8)
override def receive: Receive = {
case OnNext(consumerItem: ConsumerItem) =>
//Send consumerItem to Stream
case OnComplete =>
self ! PoisonPill
object Consumer {
def props: Props = Props[Consumer]
As we have a Source and a Sink now, we can assign them to our values:
val source: Source[Vector[ProducerItem], ActorRef] = Source.actorPublisher(Producer.props)
val sink: Sink[ConsumerItem, ActorRef] = Sink.actorSubscriber(Consumer.props)
I want to discuss about one last thing. When working with external services we need to be prepared for failures. I am going to provide an example for discarding failures and resuming the flow.
We may define the externalRequestFlow
with a resumingDecider
as given below:
val parallelism = 4
val externalRequestFlow = Flow[String].mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism) { query =>
Http().singleRequest {
HttpRequest(uri = Uri(...).withQuery("query" -> query))
}.mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism) { response =>
Or we can add this attribute while we are connecting the blocks.
source.mapConcat(identity).filter { producerItem =>
// Filter some of the items here
.map { externalItem =>
//Convert ExternalItem to ConsumerItem here
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